When you donate, your NFT(s) are minted to your wallet and will appear when the transaction is complete.
Each NFT is a character who has possible attribute differences in skin/fur, accessories (sunglasses, hats, etc.), clothing and backgrounds.
Throughout the entire collection there are also some special characters: 84 Jedi Wolf (1 Last Jedi), 5 Sith Lord (1 Sith Lady Lumiya), 9 Reiders and 9 Lekers characters (naming: no team copyright infringement).
You can also mint on our niftykit app mint page if you'd prefer.
Total Count: 11,111 NFTs
Donation Amount: 0.044 ETH
The contract revenue split has only two addresses, one belonging to each non-profit and your PFP avatar will include the EIN of each 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the description so you don't have to search for it later.
98.99% secondary royalty means that the secondary sale royalty goes to charity so that the NFT has no real world 'value'. This way your donation mint can be considered tax deductible.
Also, you can use the NFT(s) to fundraise for these causes by placing it for sale on a marketplace and the royalty from the sale price (marketplace dependent) will go to a good cause.
When you list each item for secondary sale on a platform that supports EIP-2981 (contract level creator royalties; e.g. LooksRare), the 98.99% royalty goes to charity so you can use it to fundraise for our community and spread to joy of giving.
[Please DO NOT USE OPENSEA, (max 10% royalty), Rarible (max 50% royalty) or other non EIP-2981 supporting platforms] to sell on the secondary market, but if you do, list it high, high, high so more goes to charity.
ERC721A Contract Address: 0x3EF019E17891C52F3084Ce281A11adAc36989c8C
Revenue Split Contract Address: 0x0bf5f77b7695f6ed222c8deea306b4328f9dc9ea
Funds to this project will immediately help fund ongoing mentorship and life skills programs that benefit youth in foster care. Outdoor and Surf Therapy are immensely beneficial to kids healing from trauma. The opportunity to exist in a state of 'play' for and extended period of time helps kids healing from psychological traumas many of us could never fathom is so important. Mentorship is a much needed resource for foster youth and life skills programs help kids to see a future of success.
As a small non-profit, every donation helps US4K to expand their programs to reach more kids, empower them, help them build an 'Ohana', Hawaiian for family.
In October, 6 kids who will have completed a 6 month life skills and community service program will have earned an all expenses trip to Hawaii for 5 days called Dreaming of Aloha. While in Oahu they will participate in a college tour, a community service outing and the remainder will be vacation style reward activities for these kids like surfing at Rockpiles (Ala Moana), paddle boarding at Pokai Bay meeting up with pro surfers and locals like Clyde Aikau, Keala Kennelly and more to 'talk story' and share in the love of our island Ohana.
EIN: 26-4600440
ERC20 Wallet Address: 0x844Cc3e0A7F64cdBD75d58D59d4c4849541ab6FB
Help us raise funds for these kids' once in a lifetime trip like the one below.
Funds to this project will fund programs for youth interested in digital art and turning their ideas into NFTs to provide for their futures and overcome the traditional poverty that awaits them after aging out of the system. Most often, foster youth don't have mentors, a community or family to fall back on so they are missing opportunities for outlets of their creative energy. I believe they deserve the encouragement and tutelage of taking something they've created and turning it into something a growing community of supporters can enjoy. NFTs are a great medium to introduce these kids to a supportive community.
EIN: 87-4107745
ERC20 Wallet Address: 0xFD368d2af98b2055Af3d6dE457c89C2dd7554BE0
Help us promote healing through digital art and mentorship.
My name is Matthew and I'm launching this NFTs for Charity project to raise funds to support programs that I have worked with as a volunteer and that serve children in need. I have been a developer since 2007 and have been a surf therapy coach since 2014 and an at-risk youth mentor since 2018.
Our programs at US4K currently reach nearly 1000 youth healing from trauma each year due to physical or sexual abuse, neglect and other causes, and this fund raise is an effort to expand the capabilities of our programs to have a positive impact on the youth we serve and to expand the reach of these programs to communities beyond San Diego, CA, USA.
I volunteer more than a hundred hours per year with non-profits serving children in need and see that kids need resources to fall back on and mentors to count on. I have volunteered with Urban Surf 4 Kids in many different facets since December 2014 and I started HJM Foundation in 2021 to teach some of the kids I've mentored over the years digital art and software development.
This project alone has been 100+ hours in the making over the last 5 months.
The Art: Aside from the base wolf avatar (contracted digital artist Henricus), I'm fulfilling a lifelong desire to use my creativity for good and do a good portion of the artwork myself from skins to colorizations.
Read a little more about Why I Give my time, effort, energy and funds to programs that benefit children in need.
Not into NFTs? Donate at us4k.org or hjmfoundation.org and click the 'Donate With Crypto' button on the homepage or come volunteer with us in San Diego and change a child's life by being their ambassador of play for, often, a once in a lifetime day at the beach. US4K 2022 Events
Follow hjm_foundation on Twitter to see how we do on this fundraising project, it's a first, but hopefully there will be more, for more non-profits.